Combinatorial Rigidity
Jack E Graver and 2 more
Not Available
The Integrals of Lebesgue, Denjoy, Perron, and Henstock
Russell A Gordon
Discovering Modern Set Theory
W Just and 1 more
Enveloping Algebras
Jacques Dixmier
The Ergodic Theory of Discrete Sample Paths
Paul C Shields and 1 more
Lectures on Elliptic and Parabolic Equations in Hölder Spaces
N V Krylov
Fundamentals of the Theory of Operator Algebras
Richard V Kadison and 1 more
W Just and 2 more
Growth of Algebras and Gelfand-Kirillov Dimension
G R Krause and 1 more
A Course in Operator Theory
John B Conway
Alberto Candel and 1 more
Number Theory
Helmut Koch and 1 more
Dirac Operators in Riemannian Geometry
Thomas Friedrich and 1 more
Notes on Seiberg-Witten Theory
Liviu I Nicolaescu and 1 more
An Introduction to Symplectic Geometry
Rolf Berndt and 1 more
A Course in Differential Geometry
Thierry Aubin
Option Pricing and Portfolio Optimization
Ralf Korn and 1 more
Noncommutative Noetherian Rings
J C McConnell and 2 more
Solution Manual to A Modern Theory of Integration
Robert Gardner Bartle
Theta Constants, Riemann Surfaces, and the Modular Group
Hershel M Farkas and 1 more
Pick Interpolation and Hilbert Function Spaces
Jim Agler and 1 more
Introduction to Quantum Groups and Crystal Bases
Jin Hong and 2 more
Stochastic Analysis on Manifolds
Elton P Hsu and 1 more
Introduction to the Theory of Random Processes
N V Krylov and 1 more
Several Complex Variables With Connections to Algebraic Geometry and Lie Groups
Joseph L Taylor and 1 more
Classical and Quantum Computation
A Yu Kitaev and 3 more
Introduction to the H-Principle
Y Eliashberg and 1 more
Secondary Cohomology Operations
John R Harper and 1 more
An Invitation to Operator Theory
IU A Abramovich and 2 more
Problems in Operator Theory
Invitation to Operator Theory, Volume 50;v. 51; AND Problems in Operator Theory
Global Analysis
Ilka Agricola and 1 more
A Course in Convexity
Alexander Barvinok and 1 more
A Scrapbook of Complex Curve Theory
C Herbert Clemens
Topics in Optimal Transportation
Cédric Villani
A Course in Algebra
E B Vinberg
Representation Theory of Finite Groups
Steven H Weintraub and 1 more
Foliations II
Alberto Candel and 2 more
In Stock
£110.70 £123.00
A Companion to Analysis
T W Körner
Lectures on the Orbit Method
A A Kirillov and 1 more
Functional Analysis
Yuli Eidelman and 2 more
Introduction to Quadratic Forms Over Fields
T Y Lam
A Geometric Approach to Free Boundary Problems
Luis A Caffarelli and 2 more
Function Theory of One Complex Variable
Robert Everist Greene and 1 more
Introduction to the Mathematics of Finance
RJ Williams
Elements of Combinatorial and Differential Topology
VV Prasolov
Modern Geometric Structures and Fields
S P Novikov and 1 more
Hamilton's Ricci Flow
Bennett Chow and 2 more
Modular Forms, a Computational Approach
William A Stein and 1 more
Pseudo-Differential Operators and the Nash-Moser Theorem
S Alinhac and 2 more
Cones and Duality
Charalambos D Aliprantis and 1 more
Recurrence and Topology
John M Alongi and 1 more
Lectures on Analytic Differential Equations
IU S Iliashenko and 2 more
C*-Algebras and Finite-Dimensional Approximations
Nathanial P Brown and 1 more
A Course on the Web Graph
Anthony Bonato
Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians
L A Takhtadzhian
Discrete Differential Geometry
Alexander I Bobenko and 1 more
A Course in Approximation Theory
E W Cheney and 1 more
Configurations of Points and Lines
Branko Grünbaum
Curves and Surfaces
Sebastián Montiel and 2 more
Embeddings in Manifolds
Robert J Daverman and 1 more
Mapping Degree Theory
E Outerelo Domínguez and 1 more
Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations
Fredi Troltzsch
Dynamical Systems and Population Persistence
Hal L Smith and 2 more
Mathematical Statistics
A P Korostelev and 1 more
Algebraic Groups and Differential Galois Theory
Teresa Crespo and 1 more
A Basic Course in Partial Differential Equations
Qing Han
A Course in Minimal Surfaces
Tobias H Colding and 2 more
An Epsilon of Room
Terence Tao and 1 more
Toric Varieties
David A Cox and 2 more
Lectures on Linear Partial Differential Equations
G I Eskin
GrÞbner Bases in Commutative Algebra
Viviana Ene and 1 more
Classical Methods in Ordinary Differential Equations
Stuart P Hastings and 2 more
Analytic Number Theory
JM De Koninck and 1 more
Ordinary Differential Equations
Luís Barreira and 1 more
Linear and Quasi-linear Evolution Equations in Hilbert Spaces
Pascal Cherrier and 1 more
Regularity of Free Boundaries in Obstacle-Type Problems
Arshak Petrosyan and 2 more
A Course in Abstract Analysis
Higher Order Fourier Analysis
Dualities and Representations of Lie Superalgebras
ShunJen Cheng and 1 more
Probability Theory in Finance
Seán Dineen
The K-Book
Charles A Weibel
Matrix Theory
Xingzhi Zhan and 1 more
The Joys of Haar Measure
Joe Diestel and 2 more
Introduction to 3-Manifolds
Jennifer Schultens and 1 more
An Introduction to Extremal Kähler Metrics
Gabor Szekelyhidi
A Course in Complex Analysis and Riemann Surfaces
Wilhelm Schlag
Markus Haase and 1 more
An Introduction to the Representation Theory of Groups
Emmanuel Kowalski
The Role of Nonassociative Algebra in Projective Geometry
John R Faulkner and 1 more
Dynamical Systems and Linear Algebra
Fritz Colonius and 1 more
A Course in Analytic Number Theory
Marius Overholt
A Course on Large Deviations With an Introduction to Gibbs Measures
Firas RassoulAgha and 2 more
Introduction to Tropical Geometry
Diane Maclagan and 1 more
Advanced Modern Algebra
Joseph J Rotman and 1 more
Random Operators
Michael Aizenman and 1 more
A First Course in Sobolev Spaces
Giovanni Leoni
Nonlinear PDEs
Guido Schneider and 1 more
Theo Bühler and 2 more
Applied Stochastic Analysis
Weinan E and 2 more
Mathematical Theory of Scattering Resonances
Semyon Dyatlov and 1 more
Extrinsic Geometric Flows
Ben Andrews and 3 more
Portfolio Theory and Arbitrage
Ioannis Karatzas and 1 more
One-Dimensional Ergodic Schrodinger Operators
David Damanik and 1 more
Introduction to Smooth Ergodic Theory
Luis Barreira and 1 more
Inverse Problems for Fractional Partial Differential Equations
Barbara Kaltenbacher and 1 more
Linear Algebra in Action
H Dym
Commutative Algebra
Andrea Ferretti
Ricci Solitons in Low Dimensions
Bennett Chow
Topics in Spectral Geometry
Michael Levitin and 2 more
Analysis of Monge-Ampere Equations
Nam Q Lê
Translation Surfaces
Jayadev S Athreya and 1 more
Lectures on Differential Geometry
Bennett Chow and 1 more
Lie Superalgebras and Enveloping Algebras
Ian M Musson and 1 more
Partial Differential Equations
András Vasy
Colored Operads
Donald Y Yau and 1 more
Combinatorics and Random Matrix Theory
Jinho Baik and 2 more
Quiver Representations and Quiver Varieties
Alexander A Kirillov and 1 more
Cartan for Beginners
Thomas A Ivey and 1 more
Ordered Groups and Topology
Adam Clay and 1 more
Differential Galois Theory Through Riemann-Hilbert Correspondence
Jacques Sauloy and 1 more
Modular Forms
Henri Cohen and 1 more
An Introduction to Quiver Representations
Harm Derksen and 1 more
Braid Foliations in Low-Dimensional Topology
Douglas J LaFountain and 1 more
Introduction to Global Analysis
John D Moore
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry
Steven Dale Cutkosky and 1 more
Characters of Solvable Groups
I Martin Isaacs and 1 more
Lectures on Navier-Stokes Equations
TaiPeng Tsai and 1 more
A Tour of Representation Theory
Martin Lorenz
Combinatorial Reciprocity Theorems
Matthias Beck and 2 more
Convection-Diffusion Problems
M Stynes and 1 more
A Course on Partial Differential Equations
Walter Craig
Dynamics in One Non-Archimedean Variable
Robert L Benedetto and 1 more
Invitation to Partial Differential Equations
M A Shubin
Geometry and Topology of Manifolds
V Muñoz and 3 more
Hyperbolic Knot Theory
Jessica Purcell
Bruce Eli Sagan
Differential Equations
Marcelo Viana and 1 more
Hamilton-Jacobi Equations
Hung V Tran
A Concise Introduction to Algebraic Varieties
Brian David Osserman
Lectures on Differential Topology
R Benedetti
One-Dimensional Ergodic Schrödinger Operators
The Mathematical Analysis of the Incompressible Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations
Jacob Bedrossian and 1 more
A First Course in Fractional Sobolev Spaces
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information
J M Landsberg